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打电话给我们奥尔良教区的车祸律师寻求帮助: (504) 475-2429

根据…收集的数据 母亲反对酒驾, one individual suffers severe injuries in a vehicle accident involving an intoxicated driver every two minutes. 不幸的是, 许多人因为这些疏忽而失去了他们的亲人, 粗心的, 还有酒后驾车的鲁莽司机.

如果你或你爱的人在酒后驾车造成的车祸中受伤, 马上寻求有经验的法律顾问是至关重要的. 我们365bet平台酒驾事故律师在 肖邦律师事务所 can create an effective legal strategy in order to help you pursue financial compensation for your injuries, 情感上的困苦, 工资损失, 以及其他你可能因此受到的损害.


与酒精有关的事故经常导致司机或受影响方的人身伤害. 严重的身体伤害有几种类型,例如:

  • Internal Bleeding: Hemorrhaging of the internal organs can occur as a result of trauma from a car accident. A dangerous aspect of this type of injury is that the victim may not even realize they are bleeding. 低血压, 外部出血, 心跳加速, 器官衰竭, 癫痫发作, 这种损伤也可能导致昏迷.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): Car crashes account for 20% of all TBI-related hospitalizations, 根据疾病控制和预防中心. 这种类型的损伤发生在大脑因头部受到打击或撞击而受损时.
  • 脊髓损伤:车祸可能导致脊髓损伤. It is possible to lose sensation or mobility below the site of an injury when the spine is injured. 一些脊髓损伤的人需要轮椅和其他辅助设备.


A victim and a victim’s family can experience serious financial and emotional hardships following a drunk driving car accident. 出于这个原因, 我们的法律团队孜孜不倦地为事故受害者及其家属伸张正义. 当您选择与我们合作时,我们可以寻求以下补偿:

  • 去看医生
  • 按摩访问
  • 物理治疗
  • 情绪困扰
  • 身体的疼痛
  • 医疗费用
  • 工资损失
  • 惩罚性损害赔偿(只适用于有限的案件)


不幸的是, Louisiana does not allow individuals to seek damages from social hosts or alcohol vendors who provided alcohol to the liable driver, 即使他们为未成年人服务. The only exceptions are if the social host forcibly intoxicated the driver or misrepresented a drink as non-alcoholic when it in fact contained alcohol.

你应该和a谈谈 365bet to determine your sources of compensation and whether you are able to pursue compensation from a social host or another third party.


在路易斯安那州发生事故后,你只有有限的时间来寻求赔偿. 一般来说, CC 3492 是一年的诉讼时效吗. You may lose your right to compensation if you don’t file a claim within one year of the accident.

在某些情况下,这一年的最后期限有可能延长. Get in touch with The 肖邦 Law firm today if you have questions about your case’s statute of limitations.


当你联络我们的 365bet平台的车祸律师 肖邦律师事务所, 我们可以立即调查你方案件的细节, 详细说明有关事故的重要事项, 向证人收集信息, 并联系执法人员,以便开始为你建立一个强有力的案件. 在任何情况下, we pursue the maximum amount of compensation and do everything in our power to make your recovery process as comfortable as possible.


今天和我们团队的一位成员谈谈 联系.肖邦律师事务所有限责任公司位于 (504) 475-2429

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